Paradigm Shift Nudge (PUSH)

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Sometimes no matter how much you try to shift you need a nudge or a push to really get the shifting going.  I have shifted in many regards so far this year but another biggie is happening as well.

I have had a great contract with a great company for about 3 years now.  Yep, that is a long contract.  It is sometimes fulltime, sometimes part, but it has been steady and that has been great.  It has however kept me from growing my other business perhaps as quickly as I would like, but it has been a real blessing in so many regards.

There have been whisperings of budget constraints/challenges, but yesterday I got the word..”unfortunately we have to seriously cut back your hours; we are over budget.” I still have a couple things to finish up and there will be some lingering of a few hours here and there but for the immediate future it will be almost non existent; particularly after October.  Sure it could change and there are some working towards changing this but I am not and cannot count on that.

So, besides moving this month out of state (our date for complete transition is Oct.1), I now find myself being able to focus on other things, other dreams, other avenues.  Although I am a bit scared and thrown, I am also very excited!  So today is mine. 🙂 and I have been taking advantage!  Catching up on personal things, focusing on how I can gain other clients for my business and also looking at the great opportunity I now have of not only moving but I could totally shift my focus on my other business should I choose.  I suspect the latter will be the path.

So yesterday some doors began to gently close (not lock, but shut a bit); but this morning my head is spinning with hope and possibilities. When I put out to the universe I wanted this to be a year of the paradigm shift, I had no idea what it would hold.  I still don’t..several months still ahead and energy is in full force. Exciting times!

Be Debbie; Be Me

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The personal commandment that I have listed first is “Be Debbie”.   I cannot take credit for coming up with this commandment; I got the idea from Gretchen Rubin and” The Happiness Project”.  I love this book and website alot.  And although each person needs to discover their own commandments I love the idea of being true to oneself as an important commandment.  I will admit however when I read this book the first time, a couple of years ago, I did not have a concept of really “being Debbie”.  BUT I did feel it was a concept that I needed to embrace, hence it made the “list.”

Over the last couple of weeks I have been faced with a few things that have really made me look at this commandment and ask myself “if I am just Debbie right now, what is the right thing to do?”.  I get caught up in other people’s “stuff”, I sometimes give way too much on the things that I am committed to (like work and tasks) and so, so often do not give enough time and energy to my passions.  So I found myself asking myself “if this situation that I am in is NOT my passion then why am I acting as if it is in all of my actions?”.  Great question to confront yourself with!  The follow up question then is “what is my passion and what does “being Debbie” mean?”

Passions and Dreams:

  • Anything food!
  • Cooking
  • Dog treat biz
  • Fresh food from the CSA
  • Cooking for others
  • Gardening
  • Having a restaurant or a bed and breakfast
  • Cookbooks
  • Magazines with food
  • Baking treats for our business
  • Dreaming of commercial kitchen for the treats
  • ETC…………….

Do you see any common threads?  I do!  I love anything having to do with food and I am definitely an entrepreneur. First paradigm shift then is– my day job is going to be just that–my day job.  I will do it really well and add value to those around me.  I will make money while doing it. BUT I will not act as if it is my passion and think non stop about it, work odd hours and feel guilty for taking a break.

Second paradigm shift–start acting as if my passion really is my passion and it is more than OK to expend energy here!  IT is MORE than OK as a matter of fact.  To “Be Debbie” I MUST shift my energy to this!

Action-I enrolled in culinary school! AND I spent lots of time this week acting and dreaming and living my passion out.

Result: I feel energized, happy and focused.

How about you?  Have you ever realized that where you are putting your energy is simply sucking the energy OUT OF YOU rather than invigorating you?  What did you do to shift the flow?